Want to effortlessly sort pallets of different sizes with one machine?
The MultiSorter sorts different sizes without pre-sorting, such as block pallets in all variation Light, medium and heavy variants and pallets with different sizes, such as CP3, CP4, CP5, CP7, CP8 and CP9 Pallets
Our pallet sorting system and the pallet repair system can be seamlessly combined. This means that you can easily add the pallet repair system to your sorting line, even if the sorting line is already in operation. The repair line can be added in any arrangement you want. You can now easily add a MultiSorter at once to maximize unlimited sorting.
At PSS, everything is modular, so it can easily be expanded with the existing machine parts. This is how we anticipate the future of your business by growing with you as needed.
Contact us for personal advice or more information: +31 (0)513 74 52 42