Smart Retur, a leading player in the pallet industry, has simultaneously purchased two pallet sorting and repair lines from Pallet Sorting Systems (PSS) for their locations in Norway and Denmark. These standard machines are perfect for handling Europallets and provide an efficient solution for both sorting and repair.
Setup and operation of the lines
1. Sorting of Europallets:
Directly behind the sorter, good pallets are automatically stacked into three categories: 1st choice, 2nd choice and overflow for repair. This ensures a structured and fast handling of the pallets.
2. Supply to repair workstations:
The pallets to be repaired are supplied to the pallet repair stations via the overhead conveyor. This automatic supply ensures a smooth workflow and less physical effort.
3. Disposal after repair:
Repaired pallets are transported via the bottom lane to a nail press. here, the nails are pushed back from the Deck with a flat blade into “new wood ”which makes them actually stick under the surface. Then they are led to a stacker of choice, depending on the desired category or quality.
4. Efficient transport:
With only one forklift driver and one sorter, the supply and removal of pallets is managed efficiently. This minimizes the number of forklift movements and optimizes labor utilization.
Innovative technology
SCADA system:
The machines are equipped with the SCADA system, which generates daily reports on the sorting and repair processes. These reports provide real-time insight into performance and support the optimization of work processes.
Productivity increase:
Thanks to the automatic infeed and outfeed of pallets, pallet handlers can work up to 35% more efficiently, saving Smart Retur both time and costs.
Benefits for Smart Retur
1. High efficiency:
The combination of automatic sorting and repair increases the speed and accuracy of the handling process.
2. Quality control:
Classification into 1st choice, 2nd choice and repair-overflow provides direct control over pallet quality.
3. Labor savings:
50% fewer forklift movements and a more efficient repair process ensure optimal use of personnel.
4. Flexible and scalable solutions:
The modular design of the PSS machines allows Smart Retur to easily adapt to future changes in the market or volumes.
A solution tailored to Pallet Sorting Systems.
Smart Retur ‘s choice of PSS solutions underscores the strength of our modular and efficient systems. By simultaneously commissioning two lines, they are strengthening their position in Norway and Denmark and setting a new standard for handling Europallets.
Are you curious how a similar solution can optimize your processes? Contact Pallet Sorting Systems and find out how we can improve your pallet handling.